Boost your work-life balance with our working time account
Our working time account is a game changer for your team and easy to implement. Everyone can see how much they have worked by evaluating set and actual times. As an employer, you comply with the Working Hours Act thus reducing recurring calculation efforts for your payroll.

Get an overview of hours worked, absences, overtime and bonuses for the month
Check the hourly accounting of the work assignments in detail day by day
Book overtime worked and reduced
NEW! Define supplements and have the salary calculated in preparation

Im handel bleibt umsatz liegen, wenn schichten nicht perfekt geplant sind
Ob einzelhandel oder versandhandel - schnelligkeit und flexibilität sind von zuverlässiger personalplanung abhängig. Fßr alle, die planen, einteilen, erfassen und abrechnen, gibt es Staffomatic.
Made in Germany
Six reasons why you should review our working time account

Proven in +1,500 teams & organizations
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