Your new time tracking fits your pocket and all your devices too
Punch clocks, time sheets or Excel tables are so yesterday to track working hours. Above all, it’s tedious. We have an app for that: mobile, easy to use and available for any Internet-ready device. When it's not a hassle, people also record their times more reliably. Try it out!

Manually create timers if someone in the team forgets to record their times.
Set filters and display only the recorded times with the appropriate parameters.
Keep a full overview of ongoing time recording even when on the move
Check and edit the time records and release them for calculation

Im handel bleibt umsatz liegen, wenn schichten nicht perfekt geplant sind
Ob einzelhandel oder versandhandel - schnelligkeit und flexibilität sind von zuverlässiger personalplanung abhängig. Für alle, die planen, einteilen, erfassen und abrechnen, gibt es Staffomatic.
Made in Germany
Nine awesome reasons to migrate to our time tracking app!

Proven in +1,500 teams & organisations
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